For a way of you to get to no me better I thought I would share more about myself I worn you I'm a little weird ( in a good way I hope lol)
1, I have a really sensitive nose, there can be the faintest smell and I will smell it the scents that I do like are floral, lavender and fresh scents. I have had to get off buses before because someone's odour or perfume has made me feel physically sick
2, Apart from uni books I have only read 1 book I'm on my second at the moment a James Patterson book, I never thought I would say it but I'm enjoying it I always thought reading was boring and in school I hated reading out loud so it put me completely off reading altogether.
3, I will never remember your name but I will remember your face or how you speak, I'm terrible at remembering some ones name so will call someone lovely, Hun etc to mask I have no idea what you said your name is but when it comes to faces and the way people talk I will always remember that feature about someone.
4, I'm a total geek though I'm not brainy (I wish I was)
5, I want to spread the word and educate people on marine conservation the ocean is a magical place and its no where near protected let alone the creatures that are in it to many sharks, mantas etc are being killed for their fins its heart breaking to watch the more educated we are the sooner the ocean and those who live in it will be protected.
Also I want the ivory trade to end too many rhino and elephants are being killed for their ivory, for some thing to sit on some ones mantel piece or use as medicine even though it doesn't have any medical properties such beautiful creatures being killed around the world for nothing teaching the children of today will change the future and hopefully they will teach their elders there's other ways to make money.
6, I talk to myself full conversations yep told you I'm weird.
7, I don't share my food with ANYONE I'm like Joey from friends you don't take food off my plate but I can take yours :) do you remember that episode with the cake?
8, My feet seem to hate shoes no matter the material the style they Hate them, my feet are covered in scars from blisters on top of blisters I have thought it would be much easier not to even bother sad when I have a shoe addiction :(
9, Growing up I wanted to be a dancer never had lessons but my mum would make me dance in front of family at family events so embarrassing still wish I had followed my dream.
10, I'm extremely competitive I played a lot of sports when I was younger netball, football and athletics I wasn't great at academics so when it came to sports I had to win and that has followed through to the rest of my life what's the point in doing something if you don't want to do your best.
11, When it comes to films I do love a chick flick like most females but I'm more into action comedies and martial arts films my favourites growing up were karate kid, mighty ducks, fast and furious couldn't get enough of them.
12, Growing up I was a very shy child I wasn't good In new place and with new people, as I got older I began having anxiety and panic attacks. it got a lot worse when I had an eating disorder at 11 those who have panic attacks no how crippling it can be at one point I didn't leave the house for 3 months at my lowest point, those who haven't had it before don't really understand what it can be like its only when you experience it yourself that you can truly understand. I have been a lot better in the last few years going places I never thought I could of gone, doing things I never thought I would of done I find breathing deep breaths helps, taking your self out of a situation where your panicking and listening to music helps to calm me down I will always be really shy but I think I've become a lot better with new places and people but can always improve more.
13, One of my many annoying habits is that I'm always singing I'm not a bad singer( I don't think) but around the house out doors I sing or humming to myself sometimes I don't even no I'm doing it I have had some weird looks whilst singing on the bus in a world of my own singing to myself :)
14, Along side my singing in public I also love to dance in public going around shopping for clothes, food if a good song (Bruno mars ) comes on the sound system I'm dancing down the isles friends have walked a few steps a head of me out of embarrassment but hey! if a good song comes on then I'm boogieing :)
15, I hate to have a compliment but the only compliment I am happy with is when someone says I'm funny I love to make people laugh, normally with me making fool of my self but its worth while to see a smile on some ones face.
There's my facts tell me a few facts about yourself I cant wait to hear .
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