Sunday, 5 October 2014


Ever since I was teenager I have always had pretty good skin, I've had the odd spot here and there like anyone but never had a big issue with my complexion.

In the last month I have had a spotty rash on my face, I don't no why but had to take antibiotics for it, whilst having this rash all over my face it gave me an understanding of how those who do have skin problems must feel.

It made me not want to go out the house, I normally wear light make up but I found myself piling on the makeup trying to disguise the marks that were all over my face too shamed to show anyone.

I have found a few tips about covering up spots and marks that will make them a little less noticeable.

1, Don't put a ton of makeup on I found the more I put on the more noticeable it was so I kept my foundation light then spot treated the spots just putting extra coverage on those areas.

2, Don't use a cover up stick as they can make the spot look dry and stand out more use a liquid concealer.

3, When applying the concealer dab a bit on your hand and use a brush or your finger to dab it only on the spot you only need a bit then dab a little pressed powder on top and then apply concealer again and then pressed powder it gives it a double layer locking in  each layer as you go and  not having to cake it on.

3, Always wash the brushes after you have used them on spot so your not spreading the bacteria from the spot.

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