Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars.jpg

First a bit about my reading back ground

When it comes to books I'm not your typical book worm, I wasn't the child that always had my nose in a book, though I looked as If I would with my big pink glasses but no that wasn't me.
I have never been a fan of reading, I was a slow reader when I was growing up not stupid slow but took my time to read what I was reading. I hated reading out loud when the teacher would say "Laura can you please read the next age to the class" I would politely decline.
It completely turned me off reading altogether, I'm ashamed to say I cant remember a single book I have read as a child other than university books I haven't read a book in 15 years I know shocking.

It wasn't until a couple of months ago that I started to read, only because my laptop ran out of battery and I had no other technology to use as I had builders in my house doing work. I picked up a book my mum had been reading written by James Patterson, my mum is the typical book worm always reading I never understood why as I always thought its so boring and you should just watch a movie.

That day of not being able to use technology changed my life it opened my world up to, characters that touched my heart that made me angry and made me see life in a different way it opened me up to a exciting new world that adventures are boundless.

my review

When a book is so hyped up you don't think it can live up to what you think it will be, but this book will rip your heart out and feeling like its being stomped on by Issac like the trophies in the book.
Gus and Hazel are weird, quirky, intellectual, talk like no other teenager you will have ever met, who meet in the most extra ordinary way in a support group who love nothing more than to play video games where he can save her and talk about a book and the universe and what life means who have cancer but they draw you into the book.
you fall in love with them both and hoping and wishing they could have the happy ending, but in a way they do.

Though their lives are cut short they have the most amazing few months together, its the best thing that happened to hazel when her mother makes her go to the support group she finds the love of her life loses her virginity and has a wonderful romantic dream trip to Amsterdam.
Its nice to see in a book that a young couple in love aren't shown in a childish way, it is the real know matter your age you will want to find this kind of love I know I do, I want to find my Gus that will leave his scar on me and wouldn't mind me leaving mine on him.
Though they are dying of cancer its not completely depressing, it doesn't depict the cancer as this evil thing it just sucks to have that its just life shit happens and you have to roll with what you have got in life they make the most of the precious time they have together.

Its sad to say I'm jealous of these characters yes their lives are short they didn't get to have many years together to have children  themselves but the fact they found a love that is real, makes your stomach have butterflies your heart skip a beat when she saw his crooked smile and amazing adventure in Amsterdam some don't find that when they live to 100, so in that way they are lucky.

What I learnt from this book is that's life cruel the universe doesn't owe us anything the day we are born we are not granted so many years and then that's your lot, we aren't granted the next breath so be grateful for what you get and chose those who can leave a scar on you wisely.

If you want to cry, laugh, fall in love with amazing characters, see life from a different perspective read this it will get you thinking and seeing things in a different way, I was sad to finish this book and say good bye to

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