Don't get me wrong I like Facebook I get to chat with family and friends who live all around the world keeping up to date on what's going on in their lives but it also comes with a down side. Facebook and social media in general has turned in to a fake world where you can post what you like pictures and statuses of your amazing lives trying to make other jealous.
People are like I have a 1000 friends but how many of those do you actually talk to and if you saw them in the street how many would come over and have a conversation with you? we have come to believe the more friends you have on social media the cooler and popular you are but its just fakeness you don't no all those people your not real FRIENDS with them they wouldn't be there in your good and bad times of you life. It's not the amount of friends you have its the quality and lets face it most of those 1000 are only your friends to snoop on what your up to and who what's those on your friends list.
I love my REAL friends on Facebook but time to time they post pictures and statuses projecting their amazing lives they have the best family, friends partners awesome job yet behind closed doors the truth is they aren't happy, they just don't want the world to know it. I get the real story off Facebook of the sad times they are going through yet they want their life to seem perfect, life isn't perfect and I don't think its healthy to project this fake life to those on your friends list that everything is hunky doory when its not, you shouldn't have to project a unreal fake life to those around you.
Facebook is perfect for attention seekers, people post statuses saying I'm so upset, blah blah blah and then wanting people to comment what's wrong? are you OK? only to get I'm fine I don't want to talk about it so why put the status up in the first place stop seeking attention.
Facebook can be so superficial showing your FRIENDS the better parts of your like or just fake forsard of your life be yourself don't post things to make others think your life is better than it is your REAL friends don't want to see the fake part of your life they want to see the real good or bad.
What are your opinions on Facebook? Do your friends seek attention? do you only show the better parts of your life so you don't have to show how much your hurting?
Let me no
Peanut xx
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