Sunday 1 February 2015

January Reflection

At the end of each month I have decided to do a post on how my month went, if I followed through on things I wanted and planned for and how I can make the next month better than the last.

My January was an up and down month, I have been so busy with university work its been a real struggle but I passed my essay though I wish it had been slightly better mark but hey It's a pass :).

My exercise plan has been going really well, I have been managing about 2 hours every day 6 days a week, sorry I haven't updated like I meant to I will be back on it in February.
My healthy eating on the other hand well lets say I've had a few cheat days OK a lot, I've had my head in my books and have  gone for the easy option of sweets naughty peanut.

The beginning of the month there was sad news, a guy I was in high school with but was directly friends with but a lot of my friends were had passed away, he died of a heart attack at the age of 28 so young so out of the blew and which makes him the 5th guy from my year in school to pass away which is hard to get your head around people you grow up with passing so young with so much more life to give and do.

On reflection I have had better January's, but how I can make February a better month is learn from the last I plan to eat more healthy I have the exercise down and will keep it up.

I plan to see more of my friends I haven't seen them in a while and I have missed not hanging out with them.

A good part of my January I have booked my hotel for Manchester for July to see Bette Midler I cant wait me and my mum are so excited we have loved her for years.

I have procrastinated a little too much this month so I have vowed not to do so much, I have decided to write a plan of action for eat day a list of the things I need to do and mark them off when its done I think by seeing the things crossed off will make me what to finish more things.

How has your January gone? what can you improve for February?

Peanut xx

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