Saturday 30 May 2015


My favourite part of my day is being outdoors soaking up some sun and being in nature hearing the birds singing around me. My favourite place I Cardiff is my local park it so tranquil and peaceful I can take a few minutes out of my day to re group and have some me time.
Peanut xx

Monday 25 May 2015

Sunday 24 May 2015

Woman Judging Woman why?

When it comes tour looks its never the men in our lives or around us that put us down saying she's fat! wow thunder thighs! she is just ugly!
the men around us don't judge us its us as woman who judge each other and so harshly but why? are we jealous of each other? are we trying to make that person feel bad about themselves? or is it we dislike our selves and put our insecurities on to others so we feel better about our selves?

Case in point last year I was having a conversation with a friend, she didn't no how another friend of hers was able to get so many guys. she was feeling bad about herself and I was saying like any friend would your beautiful you need to have more confidence as you are gorgeous (because she is). but I was then taken aback by a comment she made which went along the lines of why are WE the type of woman that cant get the guys? basically she was saying this other friend of hers is the type of pretty that all the guys flock to she draws them to her but WE aren't those woman we don't have the guys falling over themselves to want to go out with.

When she first said it I thought thanks what a rude comment to make, why aren't it he type of woman a man will fall at my feet to want to be with me? whilst the comment at first made me made at how rude it was a year later I still think of that comment and I'm ashamed that I have let it affect me all this time.   I was being a good friend bring up her self a stem, yet See thought it was OK to make me feel bad about myself along with feeling bad about herself.

As woman we need to be careful with the words we use towards each other that one comment has made me question myself on my looks and if her comment was true and that's why I'm single because I cant get attractive there so out of my league, just because you are having insecurities about yourself its not nice to put them on to others.

As woman we need to be kinder tour selves, once we love our selves even our flaws then maybe we wont be as mean and judgemental to other woman.

Has anyone put you down to make themselves feel better? or have you done it your selves because you weren't happy with yourself?

Peanut xx

Fakeness Of Facebook

Don't get me wrong I like Facebook I get to chat with family and friends who live all around the world keeping up to date on what's going on in their lives but it also comes with a down side. Facebook and social media in general has turned in to a fake world where you can post what you like pictures and statuses of your amazing lives trying to make other jealous.

People are like I have a 1000 friends but how many of those do you actually talk to and if you saw them in the street how many would come over and have a conversation with you? we have come to believe the more friends you have on social media the cooler and popular you are but its just fakeness you don't no all those people your not real FRIENDS with them they wouldn't be there in your good and bad times of you life. It's not the amount of friends you have its the quality and lets face it most of those 1000 are only your friends to snoop on what  your up to and who what's those on your friends list.

I love my REAL friends on Facebook but time to time they post pictures and statuses projecting their amazing lives they have the best family, friends partners awesome job yet behind closed doors the truth is they aren't happy, they just don't want the world to know it. I get the real story off Facebook of the sad times they are going through yet they want their life to seem perfect, life isn't perfect and I don't think its healthy to project this fake life to those on your friends list that everything is hunky doory when its not, you shouldn't have to project a unreal fake life to those around you.

Facebook is perfect for attention seekers, people post statuses saying I'm so upset, blah blah blah and then wanting people to comment what's wrong? are you OK? only to get I'm fine I don't want to talk about it so why put the status up in the first place stop seeking attention.

Facebook can be so superficial showing your FRIENDS the better parts of your like or just fake forsard of your life be yourself don't post things to make others think your life is better than it is your REAL friends don't want to see the fake part of your life they want to see the real good or bad.

What are your opinions on Facebook? Do your friends seek attention? do you only show the better parts of your life so you don't have to show how much your hurting?

Let me no

Peanut xx

Saturday 23 May 2015

OOTD 23/05/2015 plus pictures of nature walk


 The sun was shining (in between cloudy sky) so I went on a walk through Landaff Cardiff,I have lived in Cardiff for 12 years this November yet I haven't really explored it. I went through Sophia gardens, Penhill park and Bute park taking in the gorgeously beautiful surroundings here are a few of the pictures I took along the way.

I hope you enjoy

jacket from h&m £24.99
khaki sleevless blouse select £11.99
jeans newlook £22.99
grey stripe thin sweater h&m £7.99 bag£19.99

Peanut xx

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Lucy In The Sky By paige Toon

This story has many twists and turns it keeps you gripped I couldn't put it down I just wanted to find out what was going to happen next. your drawn into the story by the like able and relate able character Lucy she's heading to Australia where she lived from ages 3-16 to see her best friends Sam and molly who are getting married when on getting on the plane she gets a text saying her boyfriend James of 4 years has cheated on her,he denies  it but she doesn't no what to believe but is determined to enjoy her stay as she hasn't been back home in 9 years and wants to be happy with her best friends.
she arrives in OZ and sees Sam's younger brother Nathan he's 23 2 years younger than Sam , molly and Lucy he's no longer a little kid he's a man and oh how she has noticed she gets butterflies and she cant stop thinking about him.

Lucy and Nathan connect he gets her she gets him its not like that with James she is heart broken to leave Sydney to go back to James not really knowing if he's cheated or not she's never really trusted him he's always told white lies.

Nathan comes to London to work on a building site this makes Lucy happy, she tried to spend time with him in the 3 months he's there for here heart telling her one thing he's the one for her but her head says but James is the stable one.
all the way through I cant wait for Nathan to come in to the story he's a laid back guy not complicated and is a good guy where James is just well not a likable guy you no when you get a feeling about a character well I got that with him couldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

There are so many twist with this story you never no where its going to go, its real heart breaking and you can see your self in the characters shoes which makes you believe the story. its more than a girl loves two guys kind of book you root for the good guy but will he win out and get the girl? do you follow your head or your heart? will it be safe and secure or a leap of faith and heart?

This is a must read if you do read it let me no what you think do you get a feeling about James too?

Peanut xx

Sunday 17 May 2015

My Teeth Whitening Experience

For the last couple of years I have really wanted to whiten my teeth, the tooth paste you get from stores only take of staining slightly but they can ruin your teeth by taking the enamel off. I have always been petrified of the dentist ( though my mother id a dental nurse) but finally got the courage or balls to go a couple months ago and filled in a tooth that needed filling for 4 years yes 4 years. I actually only went and had it filled because I bit down on something and it cracked my tooth otherwise I think I would still be walking around with a whole in my back tooth.

After getting my tooth fixed I then decided as a treat to get teeth whitening, I  didn't hate the colour of my teeth they were a naturally yellow shade just like normal teeth the weren't stained as I don't drink red white or anything like that but I just wanted them to look a little more brighter not as bright as Ross (friends teeth)no glow in the dark teeth for me thank you.

As I said my mum is a dental nurse so I went to see the dentist she works with a lovely girl called Stephanie, she took moulds of my teeth and made a tray for my upper and lower teeth for me. when I had the kit you get your moulds, 8 tubes of bleach, instructions how to use it a colour chart to see where you start to see the difference also Stephanie did it also and a little tube of tooth paste.

All i had to do was wear the trays 4 hours a day for 2 weeks  didn't have to do it every day if i was seen the results i wanted but i did it most of the two weeks. it was easy for me as I'm studying form home i would have my breakfast brush my teeth to make sure the bleach went on to a clean surface and then wore them for 4 hours.

After the first use of them i was shocked at how quickly it worked i only used  2 of the 8 tubes of bleach 1 tube lasts a week so i can now store the rest of the tubes and my trays in a dark dry place ( a draw in my cabinet in the bathroom) and use them to top up when ever i want it most don't need to top up for 18 months or more depending on how much coloured food and drink you have.

I am so pleased with my results I'm glad i did it they look so sparkly white all together it cost me £40 as my mum works for the dentist usually cost £175 ish so i had a great deal though i would pay the £175 as it is so worth it for the results.

Peanut xx

 Before 4- 5 years ago                                                                                After 2 weeks


Saturday 16 May 2015

Friends Letting You Down

Lately it has really been getting to me when I arrange meeting friends for a movie night, dinner, a night out, I always seem to be getting let down and its frustrating getting so excited to see them and have a fun time and then it all falling through.

I get where they are coming from they are mothers and I'm single and don't have children so our lives are very different so I totally understand when their children are sick or they cant make it but it just SUCKS!!

When you are in two different places in your lives going in different directions I want adventure, nights out, to try new things they cant always do that they have responsibilities they have to take care of they are mothers first and wives (which should always come first) but I miss my friends and it would be lovely to see them more often.

Its hard when the people you have grown up with are in a different time of their life than you, you aren't the same people you were growing up, we've all grown up we are dong different things have different priorities but I wish we could still have time for each other just a little bit more.

Do you have the same experience? are you going through changes in your friendships? let me know it would be good to know I'm not alone in tis situation.

Peanut xx

Wednesday 13 May 2015

OOTD 13TH MAY 2015

Jeans Newlook super skinny high waisted jeans £22.99
Khaki top Select £11.99
Jacket H&M £24.99
Slip on's Tesco's £12.00
Necklaces both H&M £2.99
 Bag H&M £24.99

OOTD 12TH MAY 2015

Top 915section of Newlook £12.99
Jeans super skinny high waisted jeans Newlook £12.99
bag oasis in the sale last year £6
Sandals Newlook bought last year cant remember the price
Necklaces both from h&m £2.99 each
Nail polish Barry M Gelly collection in sky blue

Sunday 10 May 2015

My Favourite Quote

This quote court my eye because it is so true, the mean things we say to ourselves like I'm ugly, I have huge thighs, yes that's just a couple I say to myself  I would never say to anyone else as it is horrible, rude and bullying yet I think its OK to say to myself?
I'd never thought of it as bullying before but its self bullying because what do bullies do they put you down, make you feel worthless, point out all your flaws, we don't need a bully when we are doing this to ourselves everyday, tearing ourselves apart little by little till we have no confidence and just self hate.
When you are looking at your self in future and you are making comments in your head about how you look ask yourself would I make those comments to another woman your mother, sister, friend if you wouldn't why is it OK to say it to yourselves?
Be kinder to your selves, chose the words you call yourself carefully because as we know sticks and stone may break my bones but words will scar you deep enough if you don't chose them wisely.
I may not be perfect, I have my flaws but they are what make me me and I love me for that.  
what do you love about yourself?
Peanut xx

Clothing, Shoes and Accessorie Haul

when it comes to jeans I always stick to my trusted low rise skinny jeans, though I have seen so many really pretty cropped tops and as Im now getting a little older cough cough 29 years old I didn't think I should be getting all my belly out so bought my first pair of high waisted jeans £22.99
I love this shirt from £11.99 it is simple dress up dress down wear with jeans and sandals it is a gorgeous khaki colour with a v- neck front
I have such tinny ear lobs a little fun fact about me I find it hard to find earrings small enough and these from www/ are perfect plus it has a ear cuff type earring which I love

 It's still a little chilly here in the UK, we did have a couple of beautifully hot weeks but it soon returned to the drab UK weather so I bought this sweater from Primark on sale for £5 it is cropped but can be layered with a Camisole I love the lace embroidery on the bottom.

I walk everywhere so I need a good pair of flats and these do the job, they a were £12 from F&F art Tesco's they are so comfortable and look great with any thing they are staple footwear.
I thought I would go nautical with these, they were a bargain at £4 from Primark and they will look great with a jeans a simple t- shirt just the relaxed style I like over the summer.
Newlook has some beautiful dresses in for summer the two dress on the outside were only £12.99 each perfect for a summer day in the park out with family and the middle strip is £24.99 its a thick cotton fabric great quality will look great with heels or flats for day and night.

Lastly I bought this top in the teenage section of Newlook I promise I'm not been sponsored my Newlook I get student discount plus I am loving the store at the moment I loved the print the blue/ green tile pattern it adds a bit of colour to my wardrobe

Peanut xx