Monday 29 December 2014

New Years Resolution

Every year we set ourselves unattainable unrealistic goals that the new year will bring and we end up breaking them before January is over.

This year I have decided that I am not going to stop myself from eating chocolate etc that's just not going to happen, it's not going to change my year for the better not eating chocolate.

My resolution for 2015 is to be a better me than I was in 2014, I want to grow as a person and I think we all should want to do that and we do as the years roll on.

I want to be a more confident woman I lack confidence in every aspect of my life and that holds me back in everything I do I say I cant do that a lot due to it so I want to start saying yes to those things I would normally say no to because I'm too shy and wouldn't have the confidence normally to do those things.  By saying no In the past I have missed out on so much and I wont do that anymore better to try and make a fool of myself or fail at something than wondering what could of happened it I did something I really want to do.

Secondly I want to do is travel I have travelled a lot around the UK where I live but yet to go out of the country. travelling meeting new people experiencing new cultures makes you a more rounded person in my view you become more understanding of others as you are seeing how others live. I want to be able  to see as many different places as possible my plan is to go around Europe in 2015 and after I graduate in 2016 go around America, Australia, South Africa to do conservation work with the ocean and the wildlife, Fiji and so many more I want an adventure.

Lastly I want to reconnect with Friends that I haven't given enough time to see, as we get older we all have such busy lives myself with university and my friends who mostly married and have children they are busy with their families. we don't see each other enough we talk most days but not the same as sitting down and having a good old chin way and a cuppa. Its my childhood friend wedding next year so I'm looking forward to seeing her become a wifey.

My new years eve will consist of me and my family having a curry and probably falling asleep before the bells ring.

I hope you all have a wonderful new years eve keep safe and I hope 2015 bring you health, happiness and all you dream of.

Peanut xx


  1. good luck with these resolutions :) I'm new on your blog but I really like it, I'm going to visit more often :)
    ♥ blog ♥

    1. thank you hopefully I can keep to these, and thank you for stopping by to check my blog out :)
