Saturday 16 May 2015

Friends Letting You Down

Lately it has really been getting to me when I arrange meeting friends for a movie night, dinner, a night out, I always seem to be getting let down and its frustrating getting so excited to see them and have a fun time and then it all falling through.

I get where they are coming from they are mothers and I'm single and don't have children so our lives are very different so I totally understand when their children are sick or they cant make it but it just SUCKS!!

When you are in two different places in your lives going in different directions I want adventure, nights out, to try new things they cant always do that they have responsibilities they have to take care of they are mothers first and wives (which should always come first) but I miss my friends and it would be lovely to see them more often.

Its hard when the people you have grown up with are in a different time of their life than you, you aren't the same people you were growing up, we've all grown up we are dong different things have different priorities but I wish we could still have time for each other just a little bit more.

Do you have the same experience? are you going through changes in your friendships? let me know it would be good to know I'm not alone in tis situation.

Peanut xx

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