Sunday 25 January 2015

My 29th Year

Every birthday comes around so quickly, I've blinked and I'm another year older. It only feels like yesterday was coming out of my teens then turning 21 now I'm coming up to my last year in my 20's and I have to say It's a scary thing.

I've always hated getting older ever since I was a child, over the years of losing childhood friends I have come to realise I should celebrate another year I made it that they sadly didn't.

It got me thinking from the 6th of May of this year It's going to be my last year being in my 20's, so I have to make this year count and do things that I have always wanted to do so here is my list.

1, Do a photography course I really got into it last year and has become a new passion of mine.

2, Driving lessons I've put them off for too long.

3, Go to Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Sweden as many places as possible

4, Take a dance class, I always wanted to be a dancer and would of loved to have lessons when I was younger. probably ballet or street.

5, To learn to snowboard though I'm a huge clutz I have always wanted to learn to snowboard go down the slopes and yes drink a lot of hot chocolate by a roaring fire :)

6, Finally learn to swim in school I had glasses so when I went swimming with school  I couldn't see a thing looking back probably dangerous that they let me near the pool but now I have contact whoop whoop I would like to learn especially as I goes on to my last thing I want to do.

7, Learn to scuba dive I want to do a marine conservation work after I graduate, and I cant wait to be in the ocean its a magical place and being able to swim an scuba dive will be pretty handing lol

Peanut xx

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